While "True" LCD.StopUpdate() LCD.Clear() LCD.Text(1,0,2,1, "Plug touch sensors to") LCD.Text(1,0,14,1, "the daisy chain bricks") LCD.Text(1,0,26,1, "to control the motors") For l=1 To 4 For s=1 To 4 m = l + Text.GetCharacter(64+s) P = Sensor.ReadPercent(s+(l-1)*4) x = s*40 - 30 y = l*20 + 25 If P>50 Then LCD.FillRect(1,x,y, 30,18) LCD.Text(1,x+2,y+5, 1, P) Motor.Start(m,50) else LCD.Rect(1,x,y,30,18) LCD.Text(1,x+10,y+5, 1, P) Motor.Stop(m,"true") Endif endfor endfor LCD.Update() Program.Delay(100) EndWhile